Friday, 1 March 2013

OADRA AGM - 11th March 8pm

OADRA (Oakhill and District Residents' Association) will be having its AGM on Monday 11th March, 8pm, at St. Matthew's School, Langley Road, followed by a brief talk and social time.

The AGM part is expected to last approx. 45 mins, and then Dr. Phil Moore (of Central Surgery, who also has various other responsibilities for planning health services locally and regionally)
has kindly agreed to come and give a short update about the new Surbiton Health Centre - which opens next week (from 4 March). We are inviting our local police/Safer Neighbourhood Team to come, and we hope that one of them might be able to speak about local issues for a few minutes (tbc). There will some time for questions and answers.
From about 9.15 to 10pm we will have a social time, with refreshments.

You are most welcome to join us for all or part of the evening.

All homes in the local area should receive a flyer about the AGM and social - although we often have difficulty delivering to some blocks of flats.
Please feel free to tell your neighbours.

kind regards
Alan Manchester
for OADRA committee
PS. We very much hope that residents in Oakhill will become members of OADRA for 2013. The cost is just £5, and that helps us to print flyers, hire rooms when needed, and generally run the Association and help serve the local community. If you would like to join or re-join, it would help greatly if you could do so at the AGM, and could bring along £5 with you on the night.

Update - Surbiton Health Centre opens 4 March 2013

Please see below a link to the latest update on the Surbiton Health Centre, which will open its doors to patients for the first time on Monday 4th March 2013.