Tuesday, 22 February 2011

OADRA Comment on the latest circulation of Focus

The latest circulation of Focus from our Lib Dem Councillors has made one or two assertions that do not suggest that our Councillors are working for their Ward.

On the hospital site application, they state that “After a lengthy and lively discussion at the recent Surbiton Neighbourhood meeting, the views of the whole community in the Surbiton area will be forwarded to the council for a decision which is expected to be made on March 3rd.”

The words “whole community in the Surbiton area area” are underlined inferring that Oakhill will hardly have a say.

There is no mention of perhaps there could be other sites.

They also mention the proposal going to the council. Well of course it isn’t. It is going to the Development Committee which is a small subset of the council and on which one of our Ward councillors sit.

There is a reference to the Police Federation Building and they say “At a recent Surbiton Neighbourhood meeting, the future of this iconic building was agreed. ___Your councillors raised their, and residents, objections to the inclusion of 4 inappropriately designed terrace houses at the rear. However, this was overruled by other councillors present (from both parties)”

Anyone who was at that meeting will know what a travesty of the truth that statement is. The residents in the 5 minutes available did their best to raise objections but the councillors restricted themselves to asking a couple of questions of the officers and then making no further comment. The best that could be said for them was they voted against the proposal, knowing the others were going to vote in favour.

1 comment:

  1. Good Morning everyone, we are extremely concerned that a current planning application at RBK for THE LODGE within the grounds of the new Surbiton Health Centre will mean that the building may be used for Drug needle exchange,counselling and Methadone collection. These services are currently situated at the Kaleidoscope in Kingston and are due to relocate to the Surbiton Health facility. We feel the area is mainly residential and with two primary schools in very close proximity, these services are wholly unsuitable for new health site. We believe there will be an increase in crime to the area and that our children's safety will be at risk. You can find details at the following link http://www.kingston.gov.uk/index.htm 12/16721/FUL your comments and concerns should be addressed to Darren Richards email darren.richards@rbk.kingston.gov.uk We have contacted NHS Kingston and they will only confirm that THE LODGE will be used as an extension for Wellbeing Services. Please take the time to make your comments heard by the Council, this planning application should have gone through a more detailed and transparent public consultation process.
