Monday, 28 May 2012

Minutes of OADRA committee meeting Monday 23rd April 2012, 8:00pm

Minutes of OADRA committee meeting
Monday 23rd April 2012, 8:00pm

Committee members present: Robert Lewis (Chair), Ken Wilkes, Graham Goldspring, Alan Manchester, and Paul Ryan.
Also present: Rosalynde Lewis, Stephen Sinclair, Michelle Stone.

1. Minutes of last meeting
Approved, after amendment of figures relating to numbers in Surbiton Hill ward.

2. Matters arising not on current agenda
Graham had made contact with Star & Garter Homes.  Regular updates about the new home in Surbiton were being received, and Ciaran is posting those on the website.

Robert will chase up the Council regarding Tudor Lodge, at the end of April.

Robert had sent a letter to the Council regarding development of the Filter Beds site, expressing several concerns.

It was decided to retain the name OADRA.  Other names, such as SHARP, might be useful later on, if there is an umbrella RA for Surbiton Hill ward.

6. Website

It was agreed to post minutes, once agreed, on the website. It was suggested that photos should be added to the website to make it more inviting and interesting.

It was agreed to circulate a short monthly newsletter by email, with matters of local interest.  Alan agreed to start doing this.  People could email OADRA to be added to the mailing list, in order to be kept informed.

Graham agreed to meet with Ciaran to discuss the website and learn how to update it, since Ciaran is often very busy.

11. Core Strategy/ Borough Plan – purchasing copies
The Council had adopted the Core Strategy.  This is part of its Local Development Framework (LDF), or “Local Plan”.  There was now a challenge period.  Alan will request two hard copies from the Council.  The CS will now be used for assessing planning applications.

8. Speakers for June meeting
Robert had arranged for Eber Kington, a leading councillor in Epsom & Ewell (and also in a minority group in Surrey County Council), to come on 18th June to explain how being a Residents’ Association councillor works in practice.  Robert intended to ask Ruth Lyon from Elmbridge to come also.

Alan agreed to try and book the Baptist Church.  If that is not available, a different venue will be needed.  Currently, building work is under way at the Church.

9. Co-ordination with other RAs
Robert/Alan will send an email to other RAs inviting them to come on 18th June.  Robert will prepare a letter explaining the purpose of the meeting.

10. Bank Account
Robert will open a bank account in the name of OADRA.  It was agreed to have 4 or 5 people authorised to sign (since it is difficult to change subsequently), with two signatures being required for a cheque.

3-5. Finalising, Production and Distribution of Flyer
The majority of the meeting was taken up with a discussion about the focus and content of a flyer, to send to all residents in Oakhill.  Originally, it was going to be a recruitment drive for members, but the intention was also to publicise the meeting on 18th June.  It was felt that it should not try to convey several messages.

A draft was discussed, and many suggestions put forward. Ken was thanked for the work he had put in.  It was agreed that the focus of this flyer should focus on publicising the meeting, and on why RA councillors are needed.  Other future communications could focus on ascertaining residents’ top concerns and priorities.

Alan agreed to circulate an updated draft, based on the suggestions of the meeting.  Alan, Robert and Paul will finalise a flyer before the meeting in May.

It was agreed that it would be best to print about 1200 copies on yellow paper, depending on cost. Graham will check the costs and possibilities for printing.

It was agreed to distribute the flyer in early June (or very end of May if it is ready).

7. Dates of Future meetings and venues
Dates confirmed as the third Monday of each month, i.e. 21st May, 18th June, 16th July, no meeting in August, 17th Sept, etc.

Alan was waiting to book the Baptist Church, since building works were under way.  It had been hard to contact anyone.  Therefore, venues will be confirmed soon.
Robert will visit St. Matthew’s School to see if they would allow us to hire it for free.

Stephen, and Robert & Rosalynde gave their apologies for being unable to attend the meeting in May.  Graham gave his apologies for being unable to attend the June meeting, but is willing to chair the May meeting.

12. AOB
Graham had met Tom Barnes, the reporter responsible for covering Surbiton in the Surrey Comet.  He was interested in OADRA’s objective of working towards RA candidates in local elections, and had drafted a story, which Graham read out.  Graham will keep in touch with him, and hopes that Tom will publish a story in June.

Graham reported that the large oak tree outside the Oakhill Health Centre had just been cut down.  The Council said that the tree was diseased and in a dangerous condition.  Graham had written to Ben Morgan at the Council, asking for a copy of the tree surgeon’s report.  It was costing £2100 to remove the tree, and a sapling will be planted to replace it in November.

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