Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Annual General Meeting - 8 p.m. Thursday 7th October 2010


The Annual General Meeting will be held at 8 p.m. on Thursday 7th October 2010, at the Surbiton (New Life) Baptist Church in Langley Road

The previous meeting was held on 25th July and was attended by more than 40 people, representing many of the roads that OADRA aims to cover. We hope that many more people will come to our AGM, and be willing to become involved in events in our area. Your attendance will give us some idea if an Association is still required.

Since its inception, the interim committee has had several meetings and helped to represent local residents on:
• Planning enforcement at Tudor Lodge (on-going)
• Plans for a Polyclinic and Primary School on the Surbiton Hospital site
(OADRA will be represented on the transport study group)
• Refurbishment of Surbiton Station
• Plans for the Police Federation building.

There may be other local issues of importance to you, that OADRA could become involved with; but we need you let us know which issues affect you.

The email address to contact us on is: oakhilldra@gmail.com or oakhilldra@googlemail.com

We try to keep this website updated with our latest activities.

We now need to formalise the Association, and plan to elect the following officers to take it forward: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary, Publicity Officer, Webmaster

We also need people who are prepared to represent their road or blocks of flats, when we need to distribute information, or to collect subscriptions.

We are proposing that the first year’s subscriptions will run until December 31st 2011, and thereafter all subscriptions will be from 1st January to 31st December. It was agreed at the last general meeting that subscriptions should be £5 per household. As you will understand, a modest amount of funding is needed in order for OADRA to function effectively.

If you could spare the time to be involved, either on the committee or as a helper, please let us know beforehand or at the meeting. Thank you.

Representatives from the NHS and Kingston Council will be present for ½ hour from 8pm to answer your questions and hear your comments on the proposed Polyclinic and new Primary school. So, if you are for or against the Surbiton Hospital site being used for:
- A Polyclinic
- A Primary School
- A Polyclinic and Primary School

Come along and let your views be known, so that your committee and key decision-makers will know what people in Oakhill and District would like to see built.

Feel free to add any comments or questions.............................

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