1. How is the Kingston area divided for the purpose of primary education?
2. In which area is the current suggestion for a new school placed?
3. What is the current demand within this area for school places and how many places are available?
4. Is there a current shortage and how is this being dealt with at the present time?
5. What is the current projection of demand for the next 5-7 years and on what is it based?
6. Is the catchment area for the proposed two form entry primary school the whole of that given in 2. above or is it a more precise area?
7. Given that a two form entry will be 60 youngsters for each year group, leading to about 420 for the school and an additional 41 if one includes the nursery and SEN provision, what is your estimate of the number of cars that will be involved twice a day? On what are these figures based? For examples how many cars are involved twice a day at St Matthew’s, a one and a half form entry school?
8. What alternative sites have been studied and what are the financial and time considerations compared with building next to a Polyclinic?
9. Are there any examples of where a polyclinic and school have worked so close together?
10. The assumption has been made that a school could be built on the Surbiton hospital site land adjacent to a new Polyclinic. Given the Government cut backs and that a new Polyclinic is not necessarily a very high priority, if the new Polyclinic does not proceed, the demand for school places will not have gone away, where then would a school be built?
11. Given that St Matthews is just increasing from a 1.5 to 2 form entry and given the extent of its land, could this be increased to a 3 from entry? Is there another school which could do the same? We understand that the Church Authorities are against further expansion on their site. Given the stated dire need would further discussions be helpful?
12. If a Polyclinic and school are built on the Surbiton Hospital site and referring to the published briefing document:
a) How will the plans incorporate the fact that the area is in a conservation area, which includes Victorian houses and many preserved trees?
b) Will the entrances to the school be in Oakhill how will the traffic implications raised in 7 above, impact on these road?
c) There is an entrance to the school on the plan via the Ewell Road adjoining the entrance to the Polyclinic? Can this be used for the main entrance, given that it is stated that very few children will come via by car. This will relieve the pressure on the residential areas?
d) It has been stated that there will not be any parking facility for staff. Is this really feasible. How will it impact on recruiting good staff?
e) Have or will the Emergency Services been consulted about the ease of access to the school and the Polyclinic?
f) The school is proposed to be built without any sports facilities and the playground facilities are o the roof. It has been stated that many schools (how many?) in the Borough have no sports facilities for football, rounders, short tennis, athletics. Surely this is bad planning to build such a school omitting items all vital in early day schooling. How secure is a playground on the roof and what is the access, especially for physically handicapped children and staff?
g) What research has been done on the implications of placing a school so close to a Polyclinic? What is the measure of the separation?
h) Will the Community use be free or chargeable? Currently community use in schools is quite expensive unless one is running a business.
13. Given that a Polyclinic is built:
a) How many GP practices will be moved to the new Polyclinic and how will this affect the travelling time and ease of access of patients wishing to see their GP’s Will GP’s have a choice whether they move or not?
b) What is the proportion of space that will be devoted to GP’s? It suggests the whole of the ground floor. How many practices will that hold?
c) Will patients be able to see the GP of their choice within an acceptable appointment time? What is considered acceptable?
d) What treatments and consultation services will be available? Has the whole range yet been identified as published?
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