1. The Association shall be known initially as the Oakhill and District Residents’ Association (OADRA), although this name could change as the area covered by the Association is more clearly defined
2. Area covered initially shall be that area enclosed by Kingsdowne Road (odd numbers): Ewell Road (even numbers) down to and including South Terrace: the side of the railway track at the rear of Surbiton Station and Upper Brighton Road (even numbers). This area seems to share many common potential problems. If any of the areas specified (e.g. Kingsdowne Road) already have a RA, they shall be invited to be associated.
3. The Objectives of the Association is to be non party political representative of the collective interests and concerns of the residents of the area covered and to act as a focus of these interests to Local Councillors, the Borough Council, the London Assembly, the Police, Planning Inspectorate on planning appeals etc. It will attempt to liaise with other like minded Residents’ Associations on items of Borough wide interest.
4. Membership will be open to any current resident within the area, without any discrimination.
The Committee can invite people to be Associate Members if they are not resident in the area, but whose interests are bound up with the Association e.g shop owners and businesses along Ewell Road, schools.
5. Membership fees will be set at the AGM of the Association
6. Committee will be elected at the AGM of the Association and will consist of Chairman: Vice Chairman: Secretary (and if necessary Minutes Secretary): Treasurer: a Representative from each road or area (large block of flats) Other members may be co-opted as required by the Committee; for example it may be desirable to have a Web Site Manager.
The initial Committee will be those members who have expressed an interest in the formation of the Association
7. Meetings. The Association will aim to meet about every eight weeks. All members of the Association are invited to attend, speak and vote on matters arising. Notification of future meetings will be given at the first meeting of the Association, which will be deemed to be the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
The committee will meet on a regular basis to be determined.
Local Councillors and service people may be invited to attend these meetings, if it is deemed by the Committee that they can assist the Association.
8. Revised Constitution will be drawn up by the new committee following the first AGM to be approved at an EGM
9. Rules of Procedure. With the exception of changes to the Constitution, all decisions taken at any meeting will be by simple majority of votes of those present and entitled to vote, with the Chairman, who will not normally have a vote, having a casting vote in the case of a tied vote. All motions should have a proposer and seconder.
Amendments to the Constitution should be given to the Secretary of the Association at least 7 days before the AGM or EGM at which it is to be proposed. This should be circulated, ideally by e-mail to all members. Any amendment to the Constitution will require a 75% majority of those present and eligible to vote
10. Finances An account will be maintained on behalf of the Association at a bank/building society approved by the Committee. Signatories to the cheques will be the Treasurer and one of any three other members of the Committee approved by it. Complete records of accounts will be maintained by the Treasurer and will be available in time for the AGM. All monies raised by the Association will be used solely for the use of the Association and as approved by the Committee.
11. Dissolution may be resolved at a Special General Meeting of the Association called for by at least 20 members of the Association. If the Association is so dissolved any funds residing in the Association will be donated to a charitable organisation chosen at that meeting
February 2010
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