Sunday, 24 October 2010

Petition for separate planning applications for the polyclinic and the school

A show of hands at the AGM showed that a substantial majority of residents attending wanted to see separate planning applications for the Poly clinic and School.

A petition has now been started, and doors are being knocked this week in our area to ask for signatures. If you are missed out and wish to sign, please use the "comment" facility at the bottom of this message to add your name and address.

Many thanks for your support with this issue,
OADRA Committee

To: The Worshipful the Mayor and Councillors of the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames
Re: Planning Applications to build a Polyclinic and a Primary School on the site of Surbiton Hospital

We, the undersigned residents of Surbiton, while acknowledging the need for additional provision of Primary School places in Surbiton, petition the Council to treat the Planning Applications for these two buildings as separate issues on the grounds that:

- A polyclinic and a school are two completely separate uses for the site, to be carried on in two completely separate buildings, each raising planning issues proper to itself

- The addition of a 446 pupil school to a polyclinic will lead to increased traffic movements and congestion in Oakhill and South Bank Terrace, contrary to Policy S13 of the Unitary Development Plan, First Alteration, and

- Will thereby adversely affect the amenity of local residents contrary to Policy H1 of the UDP.


  1. I support this petition, Ciaran Oates 21 langley Road

  2. I support the petition, Bruce Bovill 59 South Terrace

  3. I support this petition, Paul Ryan Pandora Court (1)

  4. I support this petition. R J George, 14 Croylands Drive.

  5. I support this petition, Richard Clark 21 langley Road

  6. I support this petition, Angela Cade .. 90/92 Ewell Road, Surbiton,Surrey,KT6 6EX

  7. I support this petition: S Manser, 3 Firebell Mews, Firebell Alley, Surbiton.

  8. Ann Gillespie, 8 Pandora Court, Ewell Road

  9. Jill de Domingo, I support this petition

  10. Pauline Sagoe
    84 South Terrace
    Surrey KT6 6HU

  11. I support this petition: J G McMinn, Hermosa Cottage, Fire Bell Alley, Surbiton, KT6 6JB.

  12. I support this petition: S M Sinclair, Hermosa Cottage, Fire Bell Alley, Surbiton, KT6 6JB.

  13. We support this petition: G and J Reicher, 22 Kingswood Close, Surbiton, KT6 6DZ

  14. I support this petition
    D Rodger. 10 Pandora Court, Ewell Road, Surbiton, KT6 6HZ

  15. I support this petition: Nina Foreman, 59 South Terrace

  16. We support this petition A & N Allen, 6 Kingswood Close

  17. I support this petition

  18. I support this petition
    Stephen Glands, 2 Oak Hill

  19. I support this petition
    Catherine Sheppard, 2 Oak Hill

  20. I support the petition
    Heidi Neal, Garden Flat, 2 Oak Hill

  21. I support this petition
    Simon Illsley, 2 Oak Hill

  22. I support this petition.
    Ann Brown 10 Kingswood Cose.

    The joint proposal would be gross detrimental overdevelopment of the Oakhill Conservation Area No 10 RBK.
    Loss of open open space landscape and trees. Loss of large Victorian villa characteristic feature of the area.
    Loss of ambience and amenity with influx of cars moving , parking and searching for somewhere to park continuously.

    This proposal is contrary to Section 72 of Listed Buildings and Conservations Act 1990 -- ** the Council must pay attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the area.
    and contrary to
    Government Planning Policy Guidance Note 15
    ** The general presumtion should be in favour of retaining buildings which make a positive contribution to the character or appearance of a Conservation Area.
    Why do lasting damage to the special character of the Conservation Area designated since 1988.
    for a brief bulge in the birthrate.
    ** Have new Government housing cuts been considered ?
    It is reported in Elmbridge that people are now leaving high rent areas not dissimilar to Kingston. There may be sufficient school places available elsewhere without causing destruction to the Oakhill Conservation Area.

  23. I support this petition.
    Lorenzo Polidori
    Flat 1, 2 Oak Hill, Surbiton, KT6 6DY

  24. I support this petition
    Parisima Shamsavary
    2 Oak Hill

  25. I support this petition
    Houshang Shams
    2 Oak Hill

  26. I support this petition.
    Kim Lyle, The Bell House, Fire Bell Alley

  27. I support this petition
    Erin Lever, The Bell House, Fire Bell Alley

  28. I am seriously concerned about the mental health patients who are living at South Bank House,Surbiton,which is run by South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust. Some of these patients have lived there for 15 years and consider it to be their home. They have been told that they will be moved out of South Bank House. The only accommodation offered so far has been into private sector housing. In this type of accommodation they would not be receiving NHS professionally trained nursing care. I believe that the existing covenant for the Southbank house site
    be used for medical and health services - NOT A PRIMARY SCHOOL.

  29. I support the petition

  30. I support the petition

  31. We support this petition. Democracy fails to rule as this development is being pushed through regardless of the wishes of local residents.

    Rob & Jose Doe
    35 Oakhill
